our structure
Find your thing
- Kids play and explore.
- Mentors work with kids to identify their authentic passions and interests.
- Kids define their own projects based on those passions and interests.
- Kids develop a portfolio-based website to share with the world what they're doing and why they're doing it.
- Kids consider, write and deliver their personal story.
- Kids work to build their own tribe of supporters.
- Without doing things for them, mentors guide kids through the struggle of building the knowledge, skills and support they'll need to achieve their defined goals.
- No switching horses midstream - Kids keep working until they've completed each project as they defined it.
- By continuing to call upon the courage, authenticity, grit and respect necessary to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be, kids build strong habits, confidence in their personal abilities and a sense of identity that says, "I am a person who can get my dreams done."
Hackstudio is a levelled program. The pace at which members progress through our levels is completely up to them. Levels are achieved by getting things done.